Deciding when to seek home care for your parents is a very personal decision for you and your family, but there are some tell-tale signs to look for next time you visit. If you notice your parent is forgetting basic things, or seems despondent or has lost interest in hobbies or socializing, it might be time for a discussion on the benefits of home care.
Here’s are 5 signs to look out for:
They have difficulty keeping track of time
When an aging parent lives alone for too long, they may start to lose track of time. This is a fundamental skill when taking care of yourself and can lead to other issues, like forgetting to take medications or missing appointments. Next time you visit your parents, figure out whether or not they can still handle this basic task.
They forget to eat or eat too much
If you visit your parent and notice that they have had a significant weight change, whether gaining or losing, it may be a sign that they aren’t fully taking care of themselves. Often, aging individuals may forget to eat or forget they have already eaten and eat again. Eating consistent, healthy meals is a big part of living alone, especially, and if your parent isn’t able to do this on their own, it may be time to research competent caregivers.
They have lost interest in hobbies
Retirement is a time to sit back and enjoy everything there is to embrace during your Golden Years, including having more time for hobbies. But if you notice that your parent is no longer interested in things that they used to enjoy or they don’t have any interest in socializing, assisted living or home care might be the next step.
They have mobility difficulties
For some seniors, simple tasks like walking to the mailbox to get the mail, doing their own grocery shopping, or even just walking around the house can start to get difficult. If this is the case, it might be time to consider home care for your parents. Not only do mobility difficulties make everyday tasks more frustrating for your parent, but they can also present an opportunity for injuries and falls. Identifying these difficulties early and discussing the next steps for care can help protect against these kinds of events.
They miss doctor appointments or forget to take medication
This is the most important sign to look out for because if your parent is missing doctor appointments or forgetting to take their medications, they may be putting themselves and their health at risk. Senior assisted living programs and home care help assure that your parent stays on track with these important tasks.
It’s important to talk to your parents about aging and the unique concerns they will start to face as they get older. One of these discussions should be around home care, family caregiving, or another option that will help your parents age in comfort.